Official website of the Essendon District Football League

Unveiling The Power Within: Understanding And Enhancing Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibres

Everything fast-twitch muscle fibres

Are you harnessing the power of your fast-twitch muscle fibres to reach peak performance?

In the realm of athletic performance, one key factor often separates the good from the exceptional: fast-twitch muscle fibres. These specialised muscle fibres hold the potential for explosive power and lightning-fast movement, making them a cornerstone of high-performance athleticism. Understanding and unlocking their full potential requires a deep dive into the science behind them.


Fast-twitch muscle fibres, also known as Type II fibres, are designed for rapid, powerful movements. However, genetic predispositions and training history can influence the distribution and activation of these fibres. This means that not everyone is born with an equal distribution of fast-twitch fibres, and even those who are may not fully utilise them without targeted training.

Classic biopsy studies have shown that human muscle types vary widely, ranging from 15 per cent to 85 per cent slow-twitch fibres. In track-and-field, sprinters tend to have a low percentage of slow-twitch fibres (21 per cent – 28 per cent), while middle-distance runners exhibit a mix of both fibre types (41 per cent – 73 per cent). Conversely, distance runners typically possess a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibres (63 per cent – 74 per cent).


To optimise the function of fast-twitch muscle fibres, a varied approach is necessary.

Strength Training: Incorporating resistance training can stimulate the recruitment and growth of fast-twitch fibres. 

Plyometrics: Explosive movements such as jumps, sprints, and medicine ball throws activate fast-twitch fibres and improve their response. The importance of plyometric exercises cannot be understated in enhancing explosive power.

At Melbourne Centre for Athletic Performance (MCAP), we specialise in unlocking the full potential of your fast-twitch muscle fibres. Our personalised Strength and Conditioning services give you a team of expert coaches and allied health professionals. We understand the science behind athletic performance and tailor training programs to maximise results for athletes.

Understanding and enhancing fast-twitch muscle fibres is not just about gaining a competitive edge – it's about tapping into the innate power you possess. With the right knowledge, training, and support, you can unleash your full athletic potential and achieve greatness on the field, track, or court. At MCAP, we're here to guide you on that journey.

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