Official website of the Essendon District Football League

Book Your End Of Season Trip With Skye Travel

Partnership Announcement

The EDFL is proud to announce its new travel agent sponsor in Skye Travel.

At last week’s EDFL League Meeting, CEO, Ian Kyte, welcomed and endorsed the services of Skye Kirne who has jumped on board as an EDFL sponsor.

Her company, Skye Travel, specialises in organising groups to attend national sporting events.

Skye met with league presidents and secretaries and presented end of season trips such as The Newcastle Cup, The Everest at Randwick and The Australian PGA.

Skye is eager to assist teams with their end of season trips and has some great venues and events that caters to all interests at outstanding wholesale prices.

Should you wish your team to travel in EDFL style, with great accommodation options and the best affordable pricing, then please don’t hesitate to give Skye a call at Skye Travel 0437 086 063.

You can also head to Skye's affiliate site,, to make an enquiry now. 

EDFL Partners